Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cherry's Race Report

I am back to comment on my experience - it was great! I really was grateful for the experience of the open water and the bike route. It is one thing to practice 2 out of 3 events and then the actual day all 3 of them.

As I told Lloyd before regarding the swim I was chilling with the breast stroke and not doing the free style, it was a bit much. However, I promised my coach for Nations that I will free style all the way:)

The bike ride was crucial especially seeing so many Iron girls with bike problems I kept on praying please Lord not today. It helped yeah.The running was not as bad especially when the gave out AFLAC cold sponges it was just what I needed. The support was great and my friends were everywhere which was cool. In my transtion, someone had put their stuff in my bag, very interesting!!!

Overall, it was a fabulous experience - an especially nice atmosphere of all women of sizes, ages and ethnic backgrounds. Are we ready for next year???????

Thank you Lloyd for seeing much more than I did!! You are the best coach.


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